Why is Your Facebook Fan Page Receiving Few Likes?

Just because you create a Facebook page and post content, it doesn't mean you'll attract fans. Many small businesses give up on Facebook because they can't attract an audience.

Avoid common Facebook mistakes and take proactive steps that will make your Facebook an effective marketing tool.

You're Not Directing People to Your Page

People won't automatically find your Facebook page. You need to effectively direct people to your page and give them a reason to become a fan.

Create blog posts that include a call to action.

Say something such as "Continue this conversation on our Facebook page." This gives your audience a reason to join your page.

Your company website should clearly give people a reason to join your fan page as well.

Tell customers why they should join your page by saying something such as, "Learn about our latest sales by joining our Facebook page." A specific call to action with a link to your Facebook page will encourage people to become fans.

Lack of Engaging Posts

If your Facebook posts aren't engaging, people aren't going to share your content. If your content isn't shared, others won't learn about your page and you won't get likes.

Boring posts don't gain attention. If your posts don't capture the attention of others, you won't gain new fans to your site.

Information should be fresh and new and should offer insights that aren't already mentioned on your website.

Little Fan Interaction

Facebook posts should encourage fan interaction.

For each person who comments, likes, or shares your content, you'll get a ripple effect when their friends are exposed to your content as well.

Create posts that encourage fans to continue the conversation and share your content. Create polls, ask questions, and invite fans to share your content.

You Have a Really Small Number of Fans

If you have a really small following, others may not be tempted to like your page.

People are less likely to join fan pages that have only 15 fans compared to fan pages that have 1500. If you haven't attracted many likes, consider paying for ads to gain more attention.

Paid promotions on Facebook can get your content seen. Invite people to like your page and promote your content to targeted users. Once you've gained an initial base of fans, it will have a ripple effect where it becomes much easier to attract new fans.

How to Gain More Fans

Take a proactive approach to Facebook and gain more fans.

Completely fill out your Facebook profile. Offer information about the services and products you offer and include contact information.

Make sure your page looks professional. Photos should be clear and crisp. There should not be any misspelled words. Use apps and features that are relevant to your business.

Create a Facebook strategy that outlines what sort of content you want to promote and how you'll use your posts to gain attention. Consider hosting contests and find ways to engage fans.

Update your content in a timely fashion.

Keep the frequency of your posts consistent. If your page has been inactive for several weeks, people who click on your page may not become fans. Posting too often, however, can also discourage people from liking your page.

A healthy Facebook page is an excellent way to market your business.

If you need more Facebook fans, take steps to proactively reach your audience and show them why it is worthwhile to like your page.