Why the Cloud Needs to Be a Part of Your Marketing

The cloud can enhance marketing efforts for many small and mid-size businesses.

Cloud computing offers many advantages and when businesses use it to its full potential, it can be very helpful with marketing.

Low Cost

One of the main advantages of cloud computing is its low cost.

Users only pay for what they need, so there isn't a need for wasted space. Many pay-as-you-go services allow businesses to expand their storage space as needed.

It can reduce costs because businesses don't need to use a lot of expensive hard drives to back up data. Employees don't need to waste time backing up data at the end of each day.

Cloud computing can also save on software costs.

Businesses don't need to install expensive software packages on each employee's computer when they're using applications in the cloud.

Lastly, cloud computing can also save on IT costs.

Many small businesses eliminate the need for a full-time IT department when they begin using cloud computing.

File Sharing

One of the most convenient aspects of cloud computing is that it offers easy file sharing.

This means that multiple people can work on marketing documents simultaneously.

For example, one person may want to work on the search engine optimization aspect of a marketing campaign while another person works on developing the graphics. They can easily share data and information in real-time.

Businesses can hire a marketing company to work on their advertisements easily as well. There's no need to email large files and wait for a response. Instead, they can grant a marketing company access to their information to create their campaigns.

This can be especially helpful when employees or other businesses are in different time zones.

Users don't have to wait for a response from others before continuing to work on their aspect of a marketing campaign when they use the cloud.

Cloud computing means that employees can work on marketing campaigns from anywhere they have an internet connection. This means there may be less down time, especially in the event of a problem with computer systems.

Marketing Apps

There are many marketing apps available on the cloud that can be very helpful.

Some apps allow businesses to easily track their spending on various marketing campaigns.

Many apps can even help businesses predict their spending based on seasonal changes and can make recommendations about how to improve various marketing campaigns.

Cloud applications can also be used to help keep employees on track.

Supervisors can track the time each employee spends working on marketing projects and there are apps that can help keep employees on track.

Cloud applications can be helpful to manage social media marketing campaigns.

Many apps help businesses optimize social media campaigns and allow businesses to streamline their social media efforts.


Cloud computing offers small businesses a lot of convenience.

It's easy to track spending on various marketing campaigns and it gives users the ability to view analytics in real-time.

Users can also create a calendar to help them keep an eye on the big picture of their marketing efforts.

Being able to store large files, videos, and other media all in one place can help ensure that everyone is doing their part to make sure the timeline stays on track.

Business owners are finding new ways to make cloud computing enhance their marketing strategies.

Businesses that invest in cloud computing now will likely remain ahead of the competition in their marketing efforts.