5 Creative Ways You Can Use Pinterest to Market Your Business

Pinterest has been called a fusion of Facebook and Twitter, though much more user-friendly. In recent years, it is not only important to have content that is valuable and interesting, but it must also be visually appealing. No longer are people simply looking for the services and products that can help them, rather, they are looking for things that look great. Pinterest helps people collect and organize things they like, by using visually-appealing images. But it's not just for consumers; it can be used as a wonderful marketing tool for businesses. Attractive pins on your Pinterest business account can drive loads of traffic to your Website. In fact, Pinterest has been known to drive more traffic than LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Youtube.com, combined. But, with all of the competition, you will need to get a little more creative than simply posting attractive pictures. Get creative and market your business effectively on Pinterest using the following five tips.


Create an infographic using images and text to draw attention to your products or services. It is a proven fact that using numbers of percentages makes it easier for people to consume data, but most people do no want to sift through a large list of numbers. Infographics, on the contrary, allow for you to present powerful information in a form that is easily digestible, and often highly interesting. Many people think that only graphic designers can make infographics, but just about anyone can make a visually appealing infogrpahic using the large amount of tools that are available on the Internet.

First, make sure that the infographic is tall, rather than wide, as wide infographics won't display properly on most computers, and they will be completely unreadable on mobile devices. If you need photos to advertise your services, search through sxc.hu or morguefiles.com for high-quality photographs that can help you to establish the message that you want to create with your infographic. Next, create your infographic with user-friendly programs such as PicMonkey and Infogram. These tools allow for you to quickly, and easily create customized infographics that can match the style of your business and establish the point that you are trying to make. If you are still struggling with this process, companies such as the Marketing Exchange can provide you with designers and graphic companies that can help you create these visually appealing graphics for a small price.

Youtube Videos

The video section of Pinterest is relatively small compared to the images section, so this is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd. The great thing about using Pinterest for your videos is that you are much more likely to get noticed, which will then help you video on Youtube to then build its ranking. When you are making videos, it is important that you make them stand out from the crowd. No matter whether you invest the time and money to make something that is truly visually appealing, or just simply do something that is funny and interesting, is important that you make your videos different from all of the rest.

When you are linking videos on Pinterest, it is important that you link them back to Youtube. This is by far the most popular platform for videos, and it is important that you build a strong following on this site, as well as on Pinterest. Thus, your Pinterest videos might never generate a high return, but they will help your Youtube channel to get noticed, which is extremely important when you are trying to market a product or service.

Images on Your Website

If you want a blog post or article to go viral, please remember that text alone cannot be pinned. You should pin every post that you make to your blog on Pinterest, which is why it is important to make sure that each page on your Website or post on your blog has an image. Not any image will do; people prefer to pin images that appeal to their emotions, so make sure your image has this effect. Because of these things, it may be important to invest in a professional photographer to take interesting and meaningful photos.

When it comes to choosing photos for your posts, you should do some quick research on Pinterest. Yes, you can pin a simple picture of your product, but this more than likely will not generate a great deal of attention. Rather, try to think of some creative ways that your product can be used, or perform your service in a funny and interesting way. For example, if you sell coffee mugs, don't just post a picture of the mug. Rather, fill it with coffee and take a picture of someone drinking it in a quaint cafe that is in your area, then pin the picture with a post that talks about a great coffee recipe.

Pinterest Store

Did you know you can create a Pinterest store? It's easy to do. In the description box, simply add the symbols for dollars or British pounds to your pins, followed by the price. If you're lucky, Pinterest may even feature your store in the "Gifts" section. While Pinterest won't be your main way of selling items, you can get creative and secretly sell the exact things that people want.

This goes hand-in-hand with pinning imaginative photos. Using the coffee mug as an example, you now have a pin that links back to your site, with a picture of your coffee mug. While this link could go back to a simple blog post that talks about a coffee recipe, you could consider having it link back to the actual item on your website. Be sure to still include the recipe on the page, but also make it easy for people to buy the mug on the same page. This way, people will often never even know that they are being sold something.

Pinterest Contest

Everyone wants to be a winner. Hold a contest, and ask your Pinterest followers to repin images and links with creative, inspiring descriptions. Choose the most inspiring or creative repins, and give the winners a prize from your store, and offer to promote their boards. This sort of contest is great if you use pictures that might not give a full view of an object or the action that is happening, allowing for people to use their imaginations and have fun. In many cases, people will share these pins and have fun with the contest, never realizing that they are actually helping to promote your business.

Another idea for a contest is to pin a number of different designs that you are going to use for a new product. With this done, ask people to pin the ones that they like. The product that gets pinned the most will be the one that is actually produced and sold to customers. You could then give the product to some of the people that repinned the image that won.

If you haven't already, open a Pinterest business account today and start using it immediately. Because Pinterest is image-based, and images attract more attention than words, Pinterest has unlimited marketing potential. This social website it also often underused by most businesses, allowing for you to easily gain an edge on the competition with a bit of work and creativity.