The Need for a Mobile Website

Remember the days long ago when a mobile phone was used only to make calls? How things have changed! Mobile phones are now mini-computers that help people manage their lifestyles by offering features ranging from cameras to video games. They are also heavily used for browsing the internet which means that websites need to be optimized for the mobile user experience. Even for the simplest websites offering basic content, it is important to have a user friendly website that renders beautifully on a any size device including a mobile phone, tablet, or e-reader. The user interface and the overall design of these web pages hold significant importance for both users and search engines. Ease of use and page quality can factor heavily into the amount of traffic a website receives from visitors on mobile devices.

As the importance of a well designed website is widely understood, nearly all sites are optimized for a desktop computer. However, as the number of mobile devices used for browsing the internet increases, a mobile website become one of the most important priorities in a digital marketing strategy. Mobile website design can be challenging due to the various screen sizes of all the devices on the market, but luckily there is a solution that has made creating websites that render perfectly on any size screen easy. Responsive website design lets you transform a website built for a standard desktop screen into a unique, easy to view mobile website design.

While some mobile users may find that websites designed for desktop screens render well on their mobile devices, they might not be realizing what they are actually missing. When a website is designed for a smaller screen size, the copy is made easier to read, buttons may be moved so that they are more easily accessible, and images may be moved so that the most important information is highly visible. This make a big difference for users on small screens who find the experience of using a mobile website design much more satisfying.

Another reason a responsive web design is a better experience for users on various sized devices is the changes that are made to the navigation menu to accommodate for a smaller screen. A website that does not change based on screen dimension can make for a very difficult user experience in which the user may not be able to access the pages or information that they are seeking. It is this poor user experience that highlighted the need for a better solution, and out of that need came the concept of responsive web design. A website that is coded with an responsive web design will automatically resize and adjust itself based on the screen size of the device on which it is loaded. Because of its ability to adapt to any mobile device, responsive web design is now the industry standard for website design and development.