Marketing Baby Boomers in 2014

The last Americans born during the post-World War II baby boom will turn 50 this year. If you count yourself among the millions who were born between 1946 and 1964, you are part of a generation that is transitioning from its late years in the job market to retirement.

For the millions of baby boomers who are still active in the job market, particularly those who lost their jobs in the wake of the Great Recession of 2007-09, finding work has become much more challenging now that they are older.


U.S. Economy Transformed

Much of the challenge arises from the revolutionary changes that have swept the U.S. economy during the lifetime of most baby boomers. What once was an economy driven primarily by U.S. factories and the export of American-made products is now focused more on services and information technology.

As a baby boomer, adapting to those changes and acquiring -- and honing -- the new skills that employers demand are necessary if you want to keep working.

Here are some ways in which you can best present yourself as a job candidate in a market that has grown far more competitive than it was when you first entered it decades ago:


  • Technology Skills: Although some baby boomers have adapted well to the new technologies that are an essential part of today's working world, others have not. If you're among the latter group, you owe it to yourself to learn how to interact comfortably with computers, smartphones, and the other technological innovations that are an essential part of today's workplace landscape.

Enroll in local adult education courses to increase your comfort working with computers or take online courses to broaden your grasp of current technologies.


  • Social Media: One of the very real benefits of increasing your technological skills is the ability to make greater use of social media in your job search. Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to interact with others in the same line of work as you. It's today's new-fangled way of networking, a practice that has always been helpful in alerting friends and acquaintances that you're in the market for a new job so that they can keep an eye out for openings that are a good fit for you.

The computer, tablet, and smartphone also provide a gateway to a broad array of helpful online resources, including job postings.


  • Continuing Education: The computer also offers you access to online educational opportunities. There are online schools to help you brush up on specific skills and others that offer degrees to keep baby boomers working. If attending traditional college classes is not an option, you can always continue your education with the help of your computer.


  • Updating Your Resume: Although honesty remains the best policy when it comes to your resume, there's no reason you can't tweak your curriculum vitae to highlight the education and experience that are most relevant to the job you're seeking. Generally speaking, it's best to focus on your most recent job experience -- say, the last 15 years.


When listing your educational background, omit dates of attendance to avoid emphasizing how long it's been since you received your degree.

And don't forget to include recent online courses, seminars, workshops, and certifications that bear on the skills and experience your prospective employer is seeking.


  • Appearances Count: In an article for U.S. News & World Report Money/Careers, career coach Chrissy Scivicque offers this sage advice: "You may have entered your 'golden years,' but that doesn't mean you have to look the part." She suggests updating your image by buying some new clothes, changing your hairstyle, and even coloring your hair.

Scivicque also counsels: "If you're a little overweight or out of shape, start eating healthier, drinking [more] water, and doing some light walking or exercise. You'll look and feel more energized, healthier, and more confident, and you'll show potential employers that you can keep up with the best of them."

With the right marketing skills and tools, you can enhance your career prospects for years to come.