Market the Advantages of Better Communications

When you are marketing a product or service, the key is to get your brand in front of as many sets of eyes as possible. While that may seem like a rather easy proposition, many marketers know it can be quite the challenge at times.

In order to accomplish that task, communications should be one of a marketer’s biggest weapons. Without the proper communication options, marketers could be left with little or no valuable means by which to reach their intended audiences.

So, what are some of the best and easiest way to reach out to consumers?

Technology Should Be at the Forefront

While it may feel like phones, computers, mobile marketing, social media etc. are everyday things for marketers and/or business owners; many are still dropping the ball when it comes to using these devices and tools to efficiently market their brands.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money or invest 60-70 hours a week into your marketing efforts, but you do have to spend wisely and appropriate your time efficiently to get the most bang for your buck.

Some ways to do that include:

  1. Phone – First and foremost, you need a good phone connection to the outside world, primarily your customers (current and potential). It is up to you whether you opt for or another such opportunity, but make sure you get a reliable phone connection for both the office/home and when you are out on the road. Many of today’s consumers have the latest in mobile devices at their disposal, so you need to be able to market to them beyond the normal 9 to 5 hours. If your phone choice is breaking down on you at times, there will be a literal and figurative disconnect with consumers;

  2. Mobile marketing – With many reports and experts noting that mobile marketing is going nowhere but up in terms of sales and revenue, it just makes sense that part of your marketing strategy involves mobile means. While some marketers may key in on mobile during the holidays or other special events, put mobile to use year-round. Many consumers take time during their breaks at work or when they’re out and about to browse and buy a wide variety of goods. Hit them up (with their approval of course) with deals that are too good to pass up;

  3. Social media – Last but certainly not least, make social media a major part of your marketing communications. Now one of the arguments you sometimes hear against social media is that it can be heard to gauge the true return on investment (ROI) from social. While that can be true in some cases, do NOT let that stop you from deploying SM. Don’t try to be too many things for too many people; zero-in on two or three social sites that are best suited to your needs. Whether that is Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest or others, make sure you have a coherent strategy with social. Be active regularly on your sites of choice, respond to any consumer inquiries, and NEVER get into an online verbal confrontation with a disgruntled customer.

Having the right communication tools and approaches as part of your marketing plan makes for better results more times than not.

If you’re a part of the marketing world, make sure you are properly communicating with the outside world (notably consumers).