Going to School on Marketing Continuing Education

In many fields continuing education is required while in others it is optional but recommended.

Regardless of whether these credits are mandatory, schools that offer extra learning opportunities must make their presence known.

They are competing with many other schools and courses, and they must find a way to stand out through their marketing efforts.

Direct Mail

In many cases, schools still rely on direct mail to introduce their continuing education classes.

They may send out newsletters or full-color brochures to people on a list. The list may contain people who have expressed an interest or those who have taken classes in the past.

The medical field particularly relies on this method.

For example, the School of Dentistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sends out brochures that lists the essential information of upcoming classes and seminars. These brochures also contain information about the speakers.

The reason this method works so well in the medical field is that it allows busy medical professionals to review the information when it fits in their schedules. Not every industry would be as effective with the direct mail approach.


Another method of marketing for school offering continuing education is through email.

They may send out emails when a new class is coming up or when a seminar has been scheduled. This is particularly effective because people receiving the emails have signed up and are more likely to be interested in the class being offered.

Email is more targeted than some types of marketing.

It ensures that the message is only sent to people who are interested, which provides a greater return on investment. It is somewhat limited in the fact that it won't reach those people who would be interested but haven't made contact with the school.

As the article “Why Do I Need AIA Continuing Education Credits?” states one of the primary reasons to take classes beside it being required is for education.

In many fields, it is important to stay up to date on the latest trends and technologies. For industries such as architects mentioned in the article, it is required for license renewal.

Social Media

More organizations are connecting with potential students through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This method of marketing is often effective because it targets those who are interested and mentions upcoming courses in a simple, nonintrusive way.

It can also reach more people when someone shares a post or makes a comment and friends see it.

Since people who are alike tend to be friends, schools can expect to reach other people who may be interested. Most schools have a presence on social media sites today and some are more effective at using this marketing method than others.

Regardless of which method a school prefers, it must let others know about the continuing education courses available. Competition is fierce and people are often selective with how they spend their money on education.

With the correct marketing strategy, a school can appeal to the right audience.