Is Your Marketing Automation Software Clicking?

Marketing your brand can be a time consuming process, which is why it's important to get the most out of your marketing tools.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can take full advantage of your marketing automation software.

Here are a few examples of how to do exactly that:


Define Your Conversions

If your business is already using marketing automation software, there's a good chance you aren't using it to its full potential.

Such is the case with your hard and soft conversions. Lumping your conversions into the same group will result in lackluster lead numbers.


However, by setting up your marketing automation software to differentiate between hard and soft conversions, you can target specific leads based on where they are in the conversion process.

For example, setting up your soft conversions to display basic calls to action will help you ease customers into your website.

Your automation software can then follow up with a hard conversion, such as a quote, limited time offer, or demo.

This all starts with defining your conversions and optimizing your software.


Think Dynamically

Most marketing automation software is able to handle even the most dynamic forms of content, so make sure you're segmenting your content for specific audiences. Instead of using simplistic, generic marketing messages, let your automation software target your customers.

You can use anything from personalized calls to action, resource suggestions based on response rates, and personal thank you messages within your marketing emails.

As the article, “Are you squeezing all the goodies you can out of your marketing automation software?” asks, by going the dynamic route with your content, you'll take full advantage of all the benefits available.


Embed the Tracking Script

Without a functioning tracking script, the marketing data your automation software produces is useless. That's why it's imperative to embed the tracking script into your marketing automation software.

The majority of automation software programs come with tracking scripts, which work much like Google analytics.

A fully functioning tracking script lets your business know how specific leads are interacting with your emails, landing pages, web forms, and your general website.


The tracking script also utilizes browsing cookies, which gives your business the ability to build data on individual leads.

Without a tracking script, your marketing automation software can't provide information on how your marketing campaigns are performing.


Leave Room for Experimentation

Don't get caught up in making the parameters of your marketing automation software so rigid that there's no room for testing. Making sure you allow plenty of room for new marketing setups will help your business realize the full potential of each new campaign.

Before you throw a marketing campaign into the automation mix, make sure you put it through a test period first. This will help you avoid falling into a scenario where you keep recycling the same campaigns over and over.

At its core, marketing automation software is designed to implement, scale, and handle a variety of marketing campaigns. Leaving room for experimentation will give you the most bang for your automated buck.

When you're ready to take your marketing automation software to new heights, consider some of the pointers mentioned above.