Has Your Marketing Game Gone Into Neutral?

When it comes right down to it, your company’s marketing game goes a long way in determining if you have a successful brand or one that is just kind of out there.

With that having been said, what exactly are you doing to draw more attention to your brand via marketing?

The answer to that question oftentimes hinges on how much money is available in your company’s budget for marketing.

If the money is noteworthy, you can do lots of things with your marketing initiatives. If your funds are limited, you are essentially limited in what you can do.

So, has your marketing game gone into neutral?


Don’t Lose Sight of the Big Picture

When all is said and done, the time and effort you put behind marketing will help in determining how successful your brand ultimately will be.

If you’ve not focused in on marketing to the degree you should be, here are some tips to re-energize your efforts:

  • SEO – Your search engine optimization efforts (solid marketing content, prime keyword placement, finding quality blogs to post on etc.) will go a long way in defining your rate of success. Whether you opt for San Diego SEO companies or those closer to your area, it is important that you do SEO right the first time around. While there are those businesses that choose to do SEO in-house, many others will outsource such needs. If you select the latter, make sure to vet each and every SEO provider you consider doing business with. You want a company that not only has SEO experience, but one that will provide you with stellar customer service, answering any and all questions you may have. Also make sure that the SEO provider you opt for sticks to its price agreements for the work it has guaranteed to provide. Another area to zero-in on is finding an SEO provider that gets social media (see more below). Being absent from social networking is akin to having a car with a flat tire. While the car may start and run, it won’t go very far without strong tread to move it. Social media does that and more for your brand;

  • Content – Don’t expect your SEO efforts and your overall marketing game plan in general to go too far without solid website content. Whether you write the content in-house or again outsource such needs, your content needs to be not only informative and authoritative, but also fresh. When you play the role of consumer, you want to visit sites that have fresh content, content that provides you with a world of information. When you do that, you are more than likely to increase your website traffic. Also make sure that your content is search engine friendly, meaning is not stuffed with keywords that are heavy on the spam side. Not only is this a turn-off for consumers viewing your site, but it will not help you in increasing your search engine rankings;

  • Socializing – While SEO and content play key roles in pushing your brand along, they’re greatly assisted by a strong social media push. You don’t have to be on countless social media sites to have a valuable social presence, but you do have to be a prime player on those sites you choose. Even if you’re brand is only active on one, two or only three social sites, make the most of them. Share and tweet regularly, letting consumers (and other businesses for that matter) know you get the importance of social media. Also make sure your brand is following relative players in your select industry. In turn, many of those are likely to not only follow and/or friend you back, but they will essentially be free marketing and advertising for your brand.

If your company’s marketing game has gone into neutral in recent times, are you driven to change that moving forward?