Marketing a Safer Place to Call Home

For millions of Americans, their homes (including apartments and condos) are the places they come home to after a long day, simply looking for a little R&R.

In most cases, residents are able to return to their places of residence and do just that.

Others, however, will come home to quite a different scene, especially those having returned from an out-of-town trip, only to find that their home has been broken into. When that happens, many residents are left with lots of questions and all too few answers.

Why did it happen? Was there something they could have done to prevent it? What if they would have had a home security system in place?

Those are but a few of the questions one can ponder after their residence has been violated, something that can be both personally and financially devastating.

That said companies marketing home security systems can increase sales and help more residents stay safe by pounding home a message of safety and security.

Getting the Message Out

When it comes to home security systems, there are numerous ones out there on the market. As a result, it can sometimes be daunting for homeowners and renters to decide which one would be serve their needs.

If you feel like you are one of those individuals having a tough time coming up with which system may work best for you that is where the companies making and selling the items need to step in.

By marketing their products and services via a wide array of channels, home security system companies stand to gain business, along with doing what they can to make things safer for residents nationwide.

Among a couple of ways to do this:

  • Company websites – First and foremost, home security system companies have a great opportunity to market their wares when they turn to one of their best investments, their websites. In using such sites, they can bring themselves (notably their products and services) into the homes of countless consumers. For those consumers thinking of (or wanting) a home security system, they can view different ones from the convenience of their homes or offices by simply turning on their computers or mobile devices. At the end of the day, it really does not get much easier than that. As part of those websites, blogs can be an outstanding marketing tool. The blogs should be filled with valuable information (not just sales pitches at each and every turn). Use the blog posts to highlight crime statistics, how home security systems can lessen the chances of being a victim, along with how law enforcement and others are working to make neighborhoods safer for not only homeowners and renters, but also business owners;

  • Company social media accounts – Given the popularity of social media in today’s digital age, companies would be downright foolish not to take advantage of all that social networking has to offer. Home security system companies should be using their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and other such accounts to spread the word. For instance, many consumers love visuals, so using an Instagram account to promote one’s home security system products and services can oftentimes prove a winner. Such companies can (and should) also promote home security videos on their social channels. A simple video (several minutes usually does the trick) showing how and why home security systems work in homes all across America can be quite beneficial for one’s brand. Lastly, be sure to engage in consumer conversations on social media, especially those directed at your brand. This provides you with a great opportunity to start a conversation, one that you ultimately hope to end with a sale.


When marketing home security systems or any other items or services that will make the lives of consumers better and ultimately safer, make sure you put your website and social media channels to work.

At the end of the day, the opportunity to not only inform and educate, but get consumers interested in becoming customers should always be a top goal.