Basic Tips for Marketing Entertainment on a Budget

Marketing can be considered a part of the entertainment. But entertainment itself is a major business sector. So how does anyone market a film, a book, songs, or art? Major movie studios give us some examples of creating viral content and trailers that end up on the news. However, these results are often what comes after spending millions of dollars on marketing. Not all artists can afford to spend millions of dollars on a campaign like Disney, MGM, or Universal Music. Here are several tips for marketing entertainment on a limited budget:

Use Social Media to Drive Word-of-Mouth Marketing

When it comes to entertainment marketing, social media is the ultimate advertising tool, says John Burgess, a veteran businessman, and a film producer. Advertising on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter is relatively cheap but is near immeasurably lucrative. Small studios can reach large audiences just like the big ones with a savvy social media marketing campaign. Artists can put their content on the platform and drive shares. Word of mouth marketing is still the most powerful tool for marketing entertainment. Consider HBO’s Game of Thrones for example. The series started off as an ambitious but low-key entertainment. It was word-of-mouth driven by social media that made the show the phenomenon we know it to be today.

Create Sample Videos, Trailers, and Clips

Even musicians, artists, and writers can create videos and trailer clips for their work to distribute on social media. Video is a powerful marketing tool for artists. People tend to watch and share short videos much more so than articles. Video is also a medium that is easy to consume for web users with short attention spans. Therefore, it’s a great and affordable tool to get attention for your work and raise product awareness.

Get Reviewed Professionally

Professional reviews will help to make your work appear serious and as actual art. Reviews are also a form of marketing. You can post reviews on your site, or have reviews of your work published on major websites or, better yet, newspapers. A good review written by a professional will make the brand makers in the industry take notice of your work. If you get a great professional review, then that would be a major stepping stone towards success.

Take Advantage of Local Venues

Don’t forget to make a name for yourself locally. If you are a musician, go play your new tracks at the local bar or club. Writers can hold events at local bookstores. Movie makers can show sample screenings at local theatres. Having a strong local fan base will definitely help your expansion efforts. Don’t underestimate the ability of your local fans to boost your work.

And finally, focus on a niche audience. Do not aim to market entertainment to a generic audience. It usually doesn’t work on a limited budget. Find out which people would most likely to love your work and market directly to this group. Ardent fans often spread the word of your work on their social media accounts and blogs. This would help you attract a larger audience for your work.