Creating an Appealing Company Brand - It All Starts with A Logo

Once a client becomes a regular, they will have a plethora of memories (both good and bad) to identify your company with. They will see you through the quality of your products, the efficiency of your employees and those small signs of affection and appreciation you send their way. Unfortunately, you have a long way to go until you get there and this journey starts with a great first impression.

You can never get a second chance to create a great first impression but what is it exactly that a future client first notices about you? Well, according to numerous surveys, human eye registers a visual information about 60,000 times quicker than a textual one. In other words, they will already have a spark of an opinion about your business, long before they actually review your offers or read through your content. Therefore, the creation of an appealing company brand needs to start with your logo.

1.   Colors evoke emotions

Long before their brain can discern the texture and the visual content of your logo, they will notice the color and as we know, colors evoke emotions. This, naturally, can be strongly turned to your favor. For instance, if you were to start a fast food joint, you would do wise to pick a color that boosts one’s appetite. On the other hand, choosing a color that diminishes one’s desire to eat, such as gray, purple, or black may be a horrible idea.

While the above-discussed example may be a bit overgeneralizing, the general impression is that there is no such thing as an appropriate or inappropriate color. This is completely situational, seeing as how the color one uses for a logo of a catering company might be utterly inadequate for a funeral home. In other words, you need to pick colors that will evoke emotions that benefit your business.

2.  Make it simple

Another thing you need to keep in mind is that simplicity is your friend. Sure, creating a confusing design for a logo might grab one’s attention and even challenge them to try and discern the shapes, however, this seldom works in your favor. You see, a logo that is too abstract or even perceived as unusual may cause a slight sensation of discomfort in your audience. After all, we always fear what we don’t understand. Therefore, in order not to make your logo too ‘intimidating’ you need to resort to something simple and more familiar. As the matter of fact, this concept of similarity may even help you play strongly on the nostalgia card.

3.  Consider all formats

One of the greatest mistakes that new business owners make when designing a logo is focusing too much on a single format. You see, in order to make it the most effective, you need to find a logo that will look great on your product packages, business cards, billboards and website alike. The latter is particularly important in 2017, which is why experts behind a Sydney based design company pay the special attention to this aspect of logo design. Either way, if you were to help your marketing campaign unleash its full potential, you need to pay an equal amount of attention to both digital and traditional aspect of product placement.

4.  Connection to the brand

Sometimes, in order to make their brand unique, people will go to lengths to randomize it. Unfortunately, this may lead to a logo that has little to do with your line of work or your company in general. Of course, if you are just using a company name in a stylized font (like Coca-Cola), this isn’t likely to happen but then again, the danger is more than real. In order to reassure your first-time visitors, they are in the right place, you need to use a logo that speaks for itself. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, a statement we already backed with a survey named in the introduction.

5.  Don’t be afraid of change

Finally, as the years go by, you might be forced to change or simply update your logo. This is only natural and even some of the most renowned companies in the world were known to use this method. We are talking about brand names like IBM, Volkswagen and Apple. Still, keep in mind that you should always try to maintain the spirit of your company in order to maintain the notion of continuity. Refreshing your logo can easily give your company a brand new look.

In conclusion

As you can see, there is much more to logo creation than coming up with a unique design. This is why you shouldn’t see the necessity to make a logo as a chore but as an opportunity to propel your company far above your competition. Your best odds at achieving so might just lie in abiding by the above-listed five principles.