Why Being Eco-Friendly Will Benefit Your E-commerce Business

The world is heating up and without action being taken we could all end up underwater. Large corporations, especially in the tech and e-commerce business sectors, are starting to understand this which is why they are trying to do their part in becoming the solution and not adding to the problem. They understand that if the problem becomes much greater than they will not have a customer base to sell to. With the problems getting worse rather than better, an Eco-Friendly business is not just important to attract new customer but also to save the planet at the same time.

In the E-commerce sector, Amazon is the world leader and they are spending vast sums on becoming carbon neutral. They are doing this because not only will it help to solve the world's biggest problem but also it will help to increase their bottom line. The cost of sending containers by the sea with vessels that can run off environment energy such as solar will be far cheaper than using dirty fuel that pollutes the sea. They are also making the switch to using eco-friendly shipping options, using biodegradable materials and not plastics, which have caused one of the biggest natural disasters in mankind's history.

With more people than ever before around the world becoming conscientious about the environment it is more important than ever before for companies to be eco-friendly. It helps to build a loyal customer base as research has found that customers are far more likely to buy from a company that is eco-friendly. It greatly improves the company's brand image and can be a fantastic marketing tool to get more business.

If a company is seen to damage the environment in any way and the public finds out, it can deeply hurt the brand and can even spell the end of the business. A prime example of this is the emissions scandal of Volkswagen and the BP oil spill. Both set the companies back in billions of dollars and did extreme damage to both brands.

Below are the top five reasons why being Eco-Friendly is essential for E-commerce businesses:

#1: Increased Profits

There is simply no excuse for not going green as it will greatly reduce costs and increase profit margins. A prime example of this is a company reducing their energy output which will result in a big saving on energy costs. By switching to solar energy a company could completely get rid of their energy bill which would have a major impact on the amount it makes.

#2: Improved Brand Image

If an E-commerce business wants to build up a loyal customer base nothing can help it as much as becoming eco-friendly. By making sure that potential and existing customer now about all of their green policies will help them build a brand that customers trust.

#3: Tax Saving

One of the best reasons for E-commerce businesses to turn green is that they will save considerable money on their tax bill thanks to the green tax credits bill introduced in 2009.

#4: Sell More

The marketplace is packed with product for sale which has given consumers more choice than ever before. By advertising the fact that the E-commerce business is eco-friendly will help it stand out, gain trust and sell more.

#5: Save The Planet

There should be no other reason that E-commerce business need than saving the planet. If we do all not act now it could be too late and no business will survive.