How do CRO and SEO work Together to Boost Your Business Performance?

All are familiar with the concept of SEO, and when it comes to CRO (conversion rate optimization), many business administrators are still confused about this concept.

So, let’s first define the terms:

SEO – Aims to make your web page get indexed in the major web engines and get found by the random searchers (real people).

CRO – Makes the users do what you want them to once they come to your website (making purchases or taking subscriptions, etc.)

CRO is a more systematic process to increase the percentage of website visitors to be converted into business. The CRO process covers how the users engage with your site, what actions are taken, and what is blocking them taking the most desired actions.

The concept of conversion

Conversion is a generic term related to marketing and sales. In general, it’s a prospect that completes your goal. These goals online may come in various sizes and shapes. If you sell a product through the website, then the primary goal is for the user to purchase it, which is known as macro-conversion. There are micro-conversions too to be set as goals, which are actions users expected to complete before macro-conversion like mailer sign up etc.

Balancing SEO with CRO

The objective of a new-age marketer is to balance SEO in light of CRO to ensure optimum return on investment and while done perfectly, it's very much possible. What we can see in both the terms in common is "optimization," but this concept works differently in both these concepts. However, they have some fundamental commonalities which sync at a deeper level from the human behavioral point of view.

We will further discuss some techniques which can efficiently be used to ramp up the game by simultaneously scoring on both these fields.


#Page loading speed

The page load time is the time required for a specific page on your website (typically homepage) to appear on the user screen once the query is raised. A slow-loading page does two bad things about your business interests as:

-  Will make the users frustrated and take them away from conversions.

-   Make the search engine bots infuriated and further losing out on SEO.


As per Springfield MA SEO Expert, page speed is important in SEO as Google uses the page loading speed is one of the top-end ranking factors. The slow load pages also end up in increased bounce rates, which also further contribute towards SERP downgrading:


Loading speed is also vital in CRO as it is highly agonizing for any potential to the purchaser to see that what he or she looks for is not getting displayed. According to the latest study by an internet research firm, there is a reduction in sales by 7% with every one-second delay in page loading speed. Here are some tips to increase page loading speed.


- Reduce the size of images on the page.

- Enable caching to cut down re-loading speed.

- Minimizing scripts and shrinking the script size

- Eliminate additional elements as image segments, spacers, background audio, Flash elements, rich media, etc.


#Creating more content

You need to understand more content not in its literal meaning, but as long-form content. In blog articles and landing pages, many of the smart marketers are now taking advantage of it than sticking to average bear. Content length is proven to have a positive impact on SEO. It seems to have a better impact regarding CRO too as pages with increased content have found to have better conversion rates in many industries.


This approach gets even better when the longer-form content gets some valuable links too. Research comparing the length of the articles against the number of links received, by proving this hypothesis, longer articles had some links received. Links, as you know by now, as the No.1 criterion in SEO boosting. As seen above, longer pages are effective in generating more results too.


Ways through which CRO benefits the SEO

Even though not directly related to generating organic web traffic or ranking on top of SERPs, CRO has distinct benefits on SEO like:


-  Enhanced customer insight: CRO can help the administrator better understand the key audience and what speaks most effectively to them. CRO focus on finding the aptest customers and simply acquiring more people won't count if you are not getting the right people.


-  Better return on investment: Getting higher conversions means making full out of the available resources. By learning how to optimize on your acquisition efforts, you don't have to sweat on bringing in more potential consumers.


- More scalability: When the audience size doesn’t scale up as the businesses grow, CRO will help you in this without exhausting the resources. For a typical business in a specific industry, the truth is that audiences are not infinite. By tuning more perfectly into buyers, you can surely increase results without running out of prospective customers.


To conclude, if you take a knowledgeable and balanced approach, it is very much possible that you can run SEO and CRO hand in hand to ensure a fair flow of traffic to your website as well as efficiently converting a fair percentage into real business and revenue.