How will your choice of theme color schemes determine the future of your website?

About 70% of the entrepreneurs in the US either have e-commerce websites or are planning to get on by the end of this year. With so many businesses flooding the web with the brand signatures and products, the online market is continuously becoming a highly competitive place. Health food delivery sites to clothes merchants, everyone is trying to capitalize their online presence to sell more and capture a dedicated customer base. The ease of owning an e-commerce site is accelerating the transition from land-based stores to online stores, but this is doing very less to subdue to competition most businesses face right now.

What are the tricks and hacks you can try to make your website more visible to your customers and potential buyers? SEO and content marketing are time-tested techniques that build your website’s visibility, but there are more basic things that need your attention before you can populate your site with content. Yes, we are talking about your choice of themes. We believe e-commerce sites to be the face of business online; this makes the themes the features of the face that your customers might find attractive or appalling. Your choice of theme will determine a lot more than the apparent beauty of your site or the maturity of your artistic acumen.  

Your brand should dictate your website theme color scheme

While choosing your website theme, you must always stay in touch with your brand values and brand colors. To find your brand colors, simply revisit your brand logo. Has your brand logo changed in the recent years? Have you been trying to redefine your brand image to your target audience? Your choice of theme should depend upon every subtle factor that has to do with your brand logo, brand image, and values.

What are the three most crucial color categories that determine the future of a website?

A website has some color aspects you need to focus on. Most new developers and website owners think background color is the only aspect that deserves all the attention, but sadly, they could not be more wrong. In reality, three categories of website colors call for the immediate attention of your ecommerce development company

  • The dominant color
  • The accent color
  • The background color

Over 85% of the shoppers buy a product based on the first impression the website or the product packaging color has on them. Brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Amazon have always relied on their color-based recall value to boost their business.

The dominant color – the brand color that relates your products to your product qualities

Why did you pick the color of your logo when you were brainstorming the logo design process? Was it because you wanted to elicit certain specific emotions in your customers? Was it because it has a heritage value? Does it relate to some tradition or culture among your target local groups? Once you have a color that defines your brand, you should resort to using that one dominantly in your website design to build brand recognition. When the audience looks at that color, they should instantly recollect your brand.

This brings us to the personality of colors. Every color instills a distinct emotional response from people. For example – the "warning" yellow that we see on "wet floor" signs and "under construction" signs do little to assure or comfort us. On the other hand, baby pink and powder blue are soothing for both men and women, which is why you will see them as dominant hues in baby clothing stores, and bakery websites. Green is a color both genders associate with freshness. Therefore, most health food stores use green as the dominant color of their themes online. The likes of Payless and Amazon rely on Orange to elicit trust, enthusiasm, and friendliness among their patrons.

This simply shows how important color is while choosing the website theme. In case you like a theme with a “doubtful” color scheme, simply ensure that it is an open source file where you can edit the colors. Premium themes often come with multiple color schemes; you should pick one that satisfies all your needs.

How to pick the accent colors?

We wish that picking the dominant website color was the end of this story. Sadly, there is more to website theme colors than just the dominant colors. Have you seen the most recent Coca-Cola website? Now imagine if we stripped it of all colors except just the fire engine red? Would it be as impressive? Of course not! Your website theme needs accent colors to make the design more interesting and captivating.

Mixing and matching different colors can terrify even the best of the best developers. After all, each one of us has seen mixing colors go wrong one time or another. Well, to avoid all the confusion and smartly reduce the risks, you can always opt for a newer version of Adobe Color CC. This is a tool that considers your pre-selected color to build you a new and personalized color scheme (including accent colors) for your website.

Choosing the background of your website

Just like painting your home, picking the right color for the background of your site can be a serious and challenging task. It is better not to leave this for the last leg of your design process. It is a lot like painting the wall of your living room. You want a color that will pique the interest of your visitors, but at the same time make them feel comfortable in the space. Obviously, the choice of color will vary depending on the purpose of the site.

Always remember to choose a color that can accentuate essential messages, content blocks, images and not wash out the other features of your website. Color psychology studies on e-commerce users say that you need to focus on what your users need to see before you choose your background color. Your theme's background color should always make the content more readable.

The psychology of colors is not as complicated as most developers and website owners believe it to be. Several published studies outline the best color schemes for e-commerce themes and the worst ones you should always avoid. The choice of the themes and their color schemes has always determined the outcome of a store and it always will, irrespective of the medium people access these stores from.