As powerful as an AWS but claims to be half the price

The company Oracle is facing AWS in a head-on battle. The newly launched Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud (OADWC) uses machine learning (AI) to provide a self-managed security for the cloud system itself.

This “smart service” can secure itself against threats and implement upgrades autonomously to ensure data stays as secure as it possibly can be for good.  Any new upgrade, patch or app is automatically installed as it is launched on the web.

This means all systems and databases will be ultra-secure, but it also significantly reduces the time it takes to set up the data warehouse. The result also means administrators do not have to manually manage the workloads, even as they change. They do not even need to lift a finger when storage volumes are adjusted as it is all done automatically.

“ The best thing is when it comes to the migration onto the cloud this is simple too, with fully updated apps, compatibility between on-premise and cloud databases, it all just works.” -  Brendan Wilde Umbrella Cloud Virtual Machines Specialist

"This technology changes everything," said Larry Ellison, Oracle's co-founder. "The Oracle Autonomous Database is based on technology as revolutionary as the Internet. It patches, tunes, and updates itself. Amazon's databases cost more and do less."

The Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud spins up a secure data warehouse in seconds, automatically setting up backup, encryption and high availability without humans intervening at all. The tech is built on top of the Oracle Database 18c, the company's latest database infrastructure which it initially introduced in October, with its automated cyber-security platform.

The company said in the initial announcement that it is so confident in its Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud, it honestly believes in its product which offers the same workload as AWS, but at half the cost. The company has really put its reputation on the line with this service to say the least.

This really does seem to be the first Autonomous Database Cloud service Oracle but there are more improvements on the way with plans to launch more in this series of upgrades. In the next few months other amendments will be added to the Autonomous Database for Transaction Processing, Oracle Autonomous NoSQL Database and Autonomous Graph Database for analysing network traffic as well as more.

In 2017 just after Oracle first announced it was working on self-healing databases, Ellison said “if Equifax had been using his company's self-patching database, it would not have been hacked.” 143 million customer details were exposed when hackers broke into the credit firm's database, simply because the company had not rolled out a patch issued by the Apache Foundation in the first place.