4 Local SEO Strategies That Are Often Overlooked

To make room for quality-driven sites, Google consecutively introduced two algorithm updates: the Panda and the Penguin.

These updates affected many websites, both positively and negatively. If your domain suffered the latter, do not fret because it is not yet the end of the world.

You can regain the former glory of your website by focusing on clever SEO techniques approved by Google.


Local SEO for Business Websites

Here is the 4 Strategies That Are Often Overlooked for Local SEO 


1. Find the appropriate keywords for your business

If you have been into SEO for some time now, you may be aware of the fact that keywords play a major role in the overall rank of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs).

But simply cramming them into your articles will not suffice. You have to look for the ideal keywords for your business to boost traffic.

First, set a parameter for your business then find a set of keywords that fall within those parameters.

Second, use Google AdWords and look for search queries under your niche. This will help you find particular terms that you might not have thought of previously.

Narrow down the key terms by identifying which ones are utilise by users the most when making searches. You may now use these, and the synonyms, to write compelling articles for your readers.


2. Be part of the list in Google Places

In the first place, what is Google Places? This is a location-based search results directory that shows you a map of a region, city, or town based on your query.

Now how will this help your website?

When your website is listed under this directory, it will bolster the visibility of your domain, thereby inviting more visitors to check out what you are offering. This will also increase your rankings in local search results.

How to do this?

Just access your business' Gmail account, head to the Google Places listings, and fill in the necessary information for your company, including a complete address and a brief description of your firm.

You can also add specific “Categories” to your listing. Just make sure that it is relevant to your business niche; otherwise, Google will penalise you for that.


3. Include photos in your posts

When people hear the word content, what usually comes to mind are written articles.

But such is not the case for websites. Content does not only refer to the published posts you have there. It also encompasses the photos, videos, and podcasts you include in your articles.

And take note, these information are also crawled by search engine algorithms, which means that you have to carefully choose what you include in your media files.

And what's great about them is that they attract more viewers to your site. Face it, blocks of texts can be boring (if not tiresome) if there are no interesting and entertaining photos that accompany them.

To do this effectively, use pictures to emphasise points or to showcase a new product or service. Be creative as much as you can.


4. Invite clients to review your products or services

How exactly do you know your clients are happy or satisfied? By receiving feedback and recommendations from them.

When you introduce a new line of products into the market, your first job is to assess how the public accepts it, whether positively or negatively.

This is also the case when you have a business website or blog. You have to provide a way for your clients to give feedback to you so you can accommodate their suggestions.

This will not only help build your online reputation but also boost its position in local searches as well. Just pay attention to how you allow your clients to give reviews. Giving them a two-page sheet to fill up is not a good idea.

So make sure that your survey or review sheet is interactive and fun.



Local SEO is really simple. Your website can earn quality traffic by focusing on the needs of your visitors coupled with subtle optimisation techniques.