Creating A Resource Directory

One great way to add a hundred pages of content to your site, get more traffic and higher search engine rankings is to add a "resource directory" to your site.

Here is an example of the type of resource directory I'm talking about:

You start by researching 100+ keywords for your site. I use, and for this purpose. Once I have 100+ keywords that describe my site, I create a resource directory page for each one.

Those keywords are going to be the links on the left side of the page in the above example. On the right side of the page, you are going to research 50-100 sites for each of the keywords on the left side (don't worry; I'll tell you how later).

We need to know how to create a simple table. The page you see is a simple 2 column by 1 row table. This is the first step you'll take as you create your first page. So, here are the steps in Front Page Express:

1. Click Table on the menu at the top.

2. Click Insert on the menu that drops down.

3. Click Table on the menu that pops out.

4. Change the number of rows to 1. Leave the number of columns at 2.

5. Click in each of the two boxes and type 4-5 random lines so you can get a feel for the table.

6. Drag the dotted lines so that the first column is narrower than the second column and it is generally the same size as the two columns of text you see at the above site.

That's it. Now, you can type your keywords as subjects in the left column and make them hyperlinks. Follow the URL structure you see for the above website. We use the keyword in the URL. Make sure to use normal capitalization for each keyword. (example: Use "Red Widgets", not "red widgets" or "RED WIDGETS").

Now, you have a template. Save it off to use for each of the other 100 pages you'll be creating (or however many keywords you have).

Now go to the first keyword and enter it into your favorite search engine. Review each site. You want to have a higher quality directory than the search engine you are using. Make up your own title and description for the quality sites you find and add it to the right hand column. You will want 50-100 sites for each topic. Now save your pages and upload them to your server.

You have just created an addition 100 pages of content for your site. You have also created a resource directory that your site visitors will come back to use over and over. Finally, this is a perfect list of sites to contact and ask for a link... after all... you have already given them a link!