Search engine Optimization Guide part 4

Where else can I include my keyphrases?

BackSearch engine optimization guide - part 3

The first few lines on a page are now extremely important and nearly all search engines look at these lines for keywords and phrases. A good idea is to place a slightly altered and extended version of your title tag here, which includes your targeted words once or twice.

The reason why I haven't included longer keyword rich lines at the start of my pages is that they affected the design of my site and made it look less professional, this is because I use tables. I could have put the longer keyword rich lines in at the start of my tables, but these would appear way down the HTML and wouldn't have the desired effect.

The main body of text is of course very important in establishing the relevancy of a page. You should have a keyword/keyphrase density of about 3-7%. Keyword density means the number of keywords as a percentage of total words on a page (excluding HTML tags). Don't repeat keyphrases one after another because the search engines will think you are spamming and your page will not be ranked well.

You should have section headings which contain your target words inside bold tags and

heading tags as most search engines will look for text in these tags and will give words inside them extra relevancy.


You should also place you target words in the ALT image tag.

AKA Marketing logo - number 1 for Internet marketing articles

This will help increase you keyword density somewhat, to what extent however I'm not sure.

You should also name your pages and if you can directories with your keywords in them, for example the name of this page is ''search-engine-optimization-guide-4.html''. I have separated the words with hyphens as search engines can identify them easier this way.

Another particularly useful approach is to put your keywords in the actual hyperlink text used for navigating from page to page in your site. Both of these methods will help to increase your keyword density.

You should get your own domain name too. Names can now be up to 63 characters in length, so you should get keyword rich domains as many of the big search engines have been noticed to give extra relevancy to websites with keywords in their domain name.

Well that's the end of our search engine optimization guide, if you can implement the methods you have just learned you should have no problem getting a few top 20 rankings.

Just remember to target 2 or 3 keyphrases and have these in the most important areas of your pages. These areas are listed below in order of importance.

  • Title tag.
  • First few lines of HTML code.
  • The main body - , tags and link text.
  • Meta tags.
  • Meta tags.