Audit your Social Media. How it can be done?


There is no second opinion that social media marketing has been doing wonders in generating sales for every marketer who is active on web, but there are marketers or businesses that are lagging behind in the field. There are no hit and trial methods on web for the success. Every step, every move needs to be perfect and if it’s not find out the ways to make it that way. Still if your marketing campaigns are going flawless, you might have goals to take a lead in the market. When talking about the ways – here comes in my mind Social media audit.

Social media audit helps you in identifying your position in the market in comparison with your competitors and peers. Social media audit is as important & essential to measure the performance on web as like a financial audit conducted on annual basis.

How it can be done?

Key to the audit is to set a benchmark and identify the ups & downs of the brand. It is advisable that companies should go for a benchmark comparison with peers. One key point to measure SEO audit is keyword analysis, SEO companies should pay more attention towards this aspect as this tool helps brand gaining visibility to its target audience. SEO should opt for monthly audits and customer response checkups. Monitoring monthly data helps in responding earlier; this will help in image building.

The analysis part is the most crucial. It’s important to lay down a clear picture on charts and graphs to show the actual scenario. We cannot afford to ignore recommendations and comments section for the growth of the business.

Auditing is not only limited to a mere comparison, but rather its an opportunity to identify the area of improvement, to cover the loopholes. A successful and well conducted audit always gives a company picture to make the goal clear and higher.

Arifa Raj

The author is a business researcher with CheckBuzz, a social media monitoring company.

About CheckBuzz : A Social Media Monitoring Company, which tells brands/corporates what bloggers, journalists, powerful consumers, or even ordinary people are saying about them. Having a healthy experience of 3+ years, this company gives its solutions on Social media consulting, Social media marketing and Social media monitoring.

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