Social Media Optimization through Facebook Open Graph Protocol

Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most powerful social networking sites, and the developers have ensured that the websites around the world understand and feel the need of advertising and featuring on Facebook. The Open Graph Protocol in Facebook are meta tags which developers incorporate into the coding of your website to get integrated into the social network stratosphere. It allows you to tag Facebook interactive features like “Like” button.

With the help of coding of these action items like “Like” button, you can get your website integrated to Facebook platform which in turn allows searching for the links towards your website. For instance, if you have incorporated Facebook ‘like’ button on your web page which has been tagged with Open Graph Protocol and a visitor to your website has decided to click on the same, a link gets created between your visitor and a website. This also means now your web page can be seen in the “Likes and Interests” area of his or her profile. Incorporation of Open Graph tags on the web pages can make your page similar to a Facebook page. Through this connection, you can also easily publish any updates to the user. The data which you have provided through Open Graph Protocol also explains how your page will be displayed on Facebook.

The beauty of Open Graph Protocol lies in the fact that it allows any web page to become rich object on your social graph. Integration of Open Graph Protocol Meta tags on the web pages enhances the user experience and also encourages or optimizes Facebook ‘Likes’ through the use of meta data which could be applied to the web pages. Facebook users can easily visualize the ‘Likes’ in the prescribed format as depicted in the Meta tags like type, category, image, URL, site name, address etc.

The Open Graph Protocol makes use of RDF syntax for adding extra Meta elements in the header of the HTML documents. Through this process, Open Graph Protocol makes pages with most DOCTYPEs unacceptable. This happens because it depends on the utilization of the attribute property on the ‘meta’ element. By adding RDF markup, you can also easily get your Google, Yahoo, and novel browser extensions and new-fashioned mobile clients to show and find out the particular details on your page. This will benefit you immensely as the potential clients will be able to realize all the great features of the products and services offered by you.

As many different technologies and schemes are presented and could act in combination, there is not even a single technology which has much information to richly present the web page in your social graph spheres. The Open Graph Protocol has been built on these present technologies to empower developers to create web pages to really make a difference in their existing profiles and entail them to make many of their adequate technical design decisions. For detailed web designing aspects of the protocol, you can check the official developer’s page of Facebook, where the developers have covered many aspects of the protocol and the ways you can better your webpage on Facebook.