Hand Coding Websites - How Good Is It?

Hand-coding a website refers to the practice of writing the HTML code line by line instead of using an editor. Though there is a plethora to tools and automated programs that give you ready made codes in no time at all, nothing can beat the appeal of writing the code line by line.

However, hand coding is not an easy task. While some support the process there are others who prefer to use the automated programs. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of hand coding your website.

Advantages of Hand Coding

Greater Understanding

The prime advantage of writing the code line by line is that you acquire a greater understanding of what you have done. This helps you know the intricate details about the support structure of your website development. Hence, it becomes much easier for you to locate and fix problems that may arise.

If you don't know how the tags are labeled or the elements that are used, it becomes extremely difficult to format the elements. In order to understand the intricate details you need to go through the whole code. And when you hand code the website, this is just a natural step.

Efficient Website Development
Apart from letting you know the intricate details of the website code, hand coding also allows you to develop your website efficiently. You know what you want to do and you also know how you need to write the code to achieve that. However, when you use a WYSIWYG editor, you get lots of extra code that would not even be useful. This creates a bunch of problems for the developers. The extra code results in slow loading of the page and other such problems. Eventually, you will need to go back to the roots, figure out what is wrong and then fix it.

Using New Programs
Web developers are experts at their tasks and have thorough knowledge of various web development languages. Thus they can cater to the requirements by using different tools and ultimately achieve the objective. However, there can be situations where they need to use an altogether new program that they have no experience with before. If you are fluent with the coding language, you can just go ahead and create the website without even having ti use the program.

Disadvantages of Hand Coding

Fluency in Language Required

To hand code a website efficiently, you need to learn the whole language and be very fluent in the same. This often acts as a major disadvantage of the hand coding process because it takes a very long time for a person to learn and develop fluency especially for someone who has no prior experience with it beforehand. Moreover, one should have a professional tutor teaching the core of web languages like HTML, CSS. JavaScript etc.

Loss of Creative Control
Often it happens that developers get so engrossed in the code that they tend to lose control over the creative aspects of the project. Though you will acquire a sound knowledge of how things work, you will be less involved in the design and user interface of the web development procedure.

Time Consuming
Last of all, hand coding takes a lot of time. When you write the code line by line, you take too much of time ans also end up making a few mistakes here and there which you have to correct alongside.