Web Design - Establishing A Brand On The Internet

Brand is the symbol of a company or a business. Establishing a brand is one of the most daunting tasks for a business. However, once it is achieved, the brand name gets to work and earns credibility for your business. It not only wins customers but also helps you retain them. Here are some tips to help you establish your brand on the internet and make your business grow.

Select a Color Palette

One of the critical things for branding is selecting a good color palette. Colors have a huge impact on the moods and emotions of people and can trigger off specific responses from them. For example, Red stands for passion and power and thus is used for brands in the entertainment industry. It is also used to highlight certain things on a website that requires users' attention. Green symbolizes environment, nature and even money. Therefore, it is a preferred color of environmental websites and even real estate websites that claim to create dwellings in midst of the nature.

Define the Character of your Brand

Your brand should have a strong character. It should have a personality that defines what it stands for and what are its ideals. You can have a brand that stands for credibility and stability in the industry or you can have a brand that assures fun and frolic. By defining a character for your brand, you can actually chart the marketing course of your business. In fact, the character of your brand should be in line with the prime goals and objectives of your business.

Create a Design that expresses Emotion

Before you start creating your brand, think about what emotions would you want to trigger off in your audience. When they visit your website, what do you want them to think? Creating a good brand image with website design is not about following current design trends blatantly. Rather, it is about making the web design focus on certain things that will highlight the key things of the brand.

Be Consistent

If you want to establish your brand, you should be consistent in whatever you practice. This is because you need to make your brand memorable by repeating it again and again so that people remember it. Your web design should just be an extension of the brand image of your company. The colors, visuals and typography should be consistent throughout the website so that it has an uniform image.

Reuse the Code and Visuals

When your keep your visuals and layout consistent, you can reuse more of your content like style sheets, images etc. As a result, the website load time decreases considerably because the users' browser doesn't need to download as many elements .

Place the Logo well

The logo is like the brand ambassador of your business. And it needs to be placed prominently on the website. Generally, the logo is placed on the upper left area of web pages. This is because this is the area that users will first look at when they enter a website. Also, don't forget to link the logo image to the homepage of the website.