How To Have Website That Gets More Clicks?

How To Have Website That Gets More Clicks?

A website has several benefits to provide the owner only if the website is created in a proper way. It is the primarily medium on the internet to attract customers towards your business. Here are the essential steps to begin with for becoming a proud owner of a website with good designing.

1. Select a name for the domain: this is the first step toward your journey of thousands of miles. A domain name is just like a name given to you; of course, here it will be the name of your business. Make sure that the name you choose to have here should be relevant as well it will become your identity on the net. It will be in that very familiar format such as myfavoritename(dot)com. This is called a domain name.

While making a choice of the domain name, you need to take your budget into consideration. I know you must be curious to know why? Well, the answer is that if you have a greater budget for advertising then you can have a name as per your wish but if you have low budget then you can always turn your keyword into the domain name.

2. Website Designing: this consists of selecting from a several designs that are available on the net or you can also hire a web designer for making your website. A website consists of several of pages such as Home page, About Us page, Contact Us page and many others. Make sure that the pages are user friendly, easily navigable and most important attractive enough to grab the attention of the viewers. It is necessary that the web pages are effective enough to provide you with call to action.

3. Do not have too many advertisements on your website as this will put off the customers and might leave your website as soon as one lands on it. The best solution for this is to have only 25% of advertisement on your website. It will also provide a professional look to your website.

4. Another irritating thing on the website is that of a blinking advertisement or a text. A scrolling text can also be a major put off for the visitors. It also keeps on distracting while reviewing your website.
5. Try and minimize the places of clicking on your website. This means that must not be too many clicks in the media res of the visitor and the information. Some sites require you to provide with name before one can see it. This is can be very irritating and also the visitor might be reluctant to do so as the person is not sure as to what exactly your website contains and therefore, run away before even reviewing it.

6. Have a navigation menu on all the pages of the website. This will facilitate the visitor with easy navigation and will also enable them to jump on from one to the other information with ease.

7. Make sure you select a text that is readable by the visitor without any troubles. This includes all concern such as the having a proper layout of the content to the color and the size of the font. You cannot have the content spread very wide on the screen as it becomes tedious for the reader to find the start of the next line. Hence, you can keep the layout narrower or write content in the form of columns which makes it easier for the visitor to read.