20 Eye-Catching Facebook Brand Pages to Get You Inspired

It seemed as if every major brand has put up a fan page on Facebook. And yet, despite the noise they make about using the platform and the levels of engagement often put in, very few are actually using their fan pages in truly innovative, engaging and creative way.

Anyone can build a fan page in under 10 minutes or so, and some of the world's most famous brands attract fans without putting too much efforts into it. But even if you have 2 million fans, if the level of their involvement is only at one point – "became a fan" - than you can't really reap any benefits of them.

The fan pages that are doing it right are the ones that are actively engaging with their fans. These pages have creative content, active discussion boards, videos and images, and , of course, a fun and casual tone to match the medium.Such a brilliant example is Red Bull who has built all kinds of content and applications that help them break out of the vanilla Facebook layout that forces all brands to look and feel more or less the same. Clearly, this company has understood their audience and by being creative has found the best way to connect with them on Facebook implementing humor, fun, and apps to get people engaged.

The brands and their creative pages mentioned below are all benefitted from having a solid brand image and loyal following, and offer insights into what makes Facebook pages work for brands. I believe that they will definitely serve as an inspiration for you to create your own page. 

So now, you can take a cup of coffee and enjoy our collection of 20 eye-catching Facebook Brand Pages. If some of them inspire you to create the next cool Facebook masterpiece we'll be happy to hear from you in the comments!

Below you can see the top 5 pages, but if you need more inspiration for your Facebook page, you can visit 20 Eye-Catching Facebook Brand Pages to Get You Inspired





Heinz Ketchup


If you still need some more cool ideas for your brand presentation on Facebook, you can see the rest 15 awesome  Facebook pages, we have put together for you. Enjoy!