For Online Shops: Connection to Google and Facebook Product Listing Ads

Foxy Feeds, a Free of Charge and Brand New Tool for Online Shops, Helps Distribute Products on Multitudes of Channels to Increase Revenue and Traffic

PALO ALTO, CA--(Marketwired) - For online shops, it became insufficient to only sell on their website. More emphasis should now be placed on targeting multiple channels and sales platforms such as Google Product Listing Ads (PLA) or Facebook. By distributing products on these channels, online retailers will experience higher amount of traffic and output. Feed management tools, such as the new tool Foxy Feeds, can make product listings a lot easier whilst saving time and marketing costs.

"Google Shopping revenues and market share increased by 52 percent in the first quarter of this year. To catch up with the ever-changing market, online retailers should expand their ecommerce efforts as quickly and as accurately as possible. Foxy Feeds can make this process a lot easier for online retailers," Daniel Solis, Product Manager Foxy Feeds.

With every opportunity, there will be challenges. Selling on a variety of platforms requires meeting the data specifications of each unique channel. With Foxy Feeds' assistance, online retailers can automatically adapt feed changes quickly and easily. Foxy Feeds is a free cloud-based tool that is tailored to small and medium sized online shops. 

Online Retailers who are using Foxy Feeds will be able to connect their shop to over 2,000 marketing channels, including comparison shopping engines, retargeting and affiliate channels, product listing ads, applications and all click-based markets for free. Furthermore, Foxy Feeds' users will benefit from various filtering and mapping functionalities to create effective product import and export to more of these channels internationally.

Foxy Feeds enables users to publish unlimited products on as many channels as possible, In addition to feed creation, Foxy Feeds also automatically configure, transfer and optimize the uploaded product feeds.

The connection to Foxy Feeds is executed easily with an import file or shop-plugins for common systems meaning that Foxy Feeds users will enjoy a smooth implementation with no costs involved.

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About Foxy Feeds:
Foxy Feeds is a new and free cloud-based solution from the German well-known e-commerce company Channel Pilot Solutions which has fast become a leading multi-channel marketing leader with their product ChannelPilot. ChannelPilot is a cloud-based software-as-a-service that enables you to make your products visible across multiple channels to connect with consumers online. The software provider delivers strategic services such as dynamic pricing and market price analysis to steer marketing campaigns across more than 2,000 channels, including Amazon, Google, eBay and Facebook. Brands such as Polo Ralph Lauren, Nespresso, Thomas Sabo, Mercedes and Pandora already use the tool.

Contact Information

PR Contact:
Daniel Solis
Product Manager Foxy Feeds
2225 E. Bayshore Road
Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA 94303