Traffic Volume or Revenue: What Matters?

Catalyst Connect has encountered many situations where companies rank for the keywords that generate a lot of traffic but convert poorly. The reason behind this is simple. The clients chose keywords based on search volume and not revenue potential, search volume is a bad indicator of revenue potential. If your business website is ranking well but your website isn’t making money, then you’re either using the wrong form of monetization or you chose keywords based on search volume and not actual customer value. Catalyst Connect always recommends going after keywords that have revenue potential, which are most often keywords that solve an actual problem.

The keyword strategy is just one component to Catalyst Connect approach. By now, all business websites should be mobile friendly, otherwise they are going to lose a lot of traffic. In fact, Google has announced that there is a good chance that they will decrease your search engine visibility if your site is not mobile friendly. The good news is that almost all WordPress themes are mobile friendly. If you have a custom built website, then it can certainly be more challenging. First, do a quick scan and find out if your website is mobile friendly by using this tool:
If it’s not mobile friendly, this should be your top priority for your website.

Increase Your Site Loading Speed

Simply increasing how fast your website loads can often increase organic traffic, meaning traffic that comes directly from people finding you on Google and other search engines. Website speed is a strong ranking factor since it directly impacts users. According to Kissmetrics, a 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.
Google offers a great tool that identifies the factors that are decreasing your page load speed:

The SEO team at Catalyst Connect guarantees a mobile score of 70 and a desktop score of 90 on all the websites that they optimize for their clients. According to Catalyst, these are only a few out of hundreds of SEO techniques that can be applied to improve the rankings of your website. For a full list of digital marketing services and to reach out to them with any questions regarding SEO, visit