Your Brand is Not what you Say it is...It's what Google say it is..


Unlike previous days where people’s first interaction with the brand was with traditional media like newspaper, magazines etc., now their first interaction with a brand is happening at the search engine. The 1st page of search results defines your brand, teases the consumer to push on and read more and more, or get others’ perspective.

Just recall when did you last time thought about buying a Television set. Odds are you were sitting around chatting with family and someone suggested a specific model. What was your next step? Did you run down to the next dealership, or did you hop online to do a quick search and see what came up? Did you go to multiple TV dealers or searched simultaneously on search box and read a bunch of reviews posted by satisfied or unsatisfied customers.

Whom did you trust? Salesperson at dealership or reviews posted online by consumers who are strangers to you? We trust one another over industry veterans who have sold thousands of TV sets. Why is this happening? This is where Chris Anderson has given the new phenomenon, where the 1st page of search engine result has become a digital collage of corporate news, blogs, forums and reader reviews.

When an individual’s personal review collides with the millions being spent on advertisement and marketing from corporations, the traditional media begins to fail here. When all communicate on the same platform, this makes a fundamental shift in the business, how you communicate and how people buy. The crux is we live in a new world where people go online even when they aren’t feeling well and ask their doctor’s what the cure is?

igital Media(Social Media) is the new and effective way to promote your brand and to specific audience. Whenever someone hears something about you, the first place they to go to is their favourite search engine to see, what the story is. If you had a job promotion, opened a business, created a profile on LinkedIn or Facebook, their should be some kind of digital footprint for yourself and your business. This 1st page of search result is your personal brand and it is the where world sees you.

Personal branding is becoming more critical as online social networks and media are very pervasive. Everyone will check out who you are ? So you must be clear and loud in expressing your business in digital media.

Heena Lodha

The author is a business researcher with CheckBuzz, a social media monitoring company.


About CheckBuzz : A Social Media Monitoring Company, which tells brands/corporates what bloggers, journalists, powerful consumers, or even ordinary people are saying about them. Having a healthy experience of 3+ years, this company gives its solutions on Social media consulting, Social media marketing and Social media monitoring.

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