Is My Non-Profit Getting Enough Marketing?

How do you sell someone the idea that they should part with their money for a good cause?

That's exactly the question all non-profits face when it comes to designing an effective marketing campaign.

For some non-profits "marketing" is a dirty word, only ever muttered under the breath. Others are switched on to the fact that marketing is a vital part of raising money for their cause, but somehow that isn't getting translated into a message that inspires donations.

What are some of the biggest marketing challenges facing nonprofits today? And how can your non-profit overcome them?

Muddy Marketing

One of the biggest challenges facing nonprofits is simply getting their message clear.

Think of it this way: If you were buying a new car, you'd want to know exactly what that car could do for you. How fast can it go; what specifications does it have; what features make it stand out?

Perhaps because nonprofits are not marketing with the aim of making a certain number of sales, it's easy to overlook the fact that the consumer will still respond better to a clear message.

Want to get clear?

Distil what your non-profit does down to one sentence.  Get to the heart of what your non-profit does. This is your central message, and the foundation of your marketing.

Your aim: Your target audience should walk away from your marketing materials with a strong sense of what your non-profit does.

Questionable Relevance

Think back to the new car for a moment.

How successful would the manufacturers of a sleek two seater sports car be if they marketed to Moms who needed a car to drive the kids to school?

For-profit companies need to know their target audience and speak directly to them, and nonprofits are no different.

Of course you want plenty of donations - but there are a lot of nonprofits out there competing for people's hearts, and purses.

It's time to get specific. By narrowing down your target audience, you can craft a message that is relevant to them.

Want to stay relevant? Do your market research. Learn about your target audience - how they communicate, what they do, and why non-profits like yours matter to them.

Your aim: Your target audience should feel like you are speaking directly to their wants, desires and ethics.

Inconsistent Style

Just like any other brand, your nonprofit needs something that is instantly recognizable.

From your Facebook page to your print ads, your logo, colors and writing style should all be consistent. That includes what you say and how you say it, the things that give your non-profit its unique voice.

You might even consider developing a style guide for staff members so no matter who is Tweeting or emailing, your nonprofit's voice remains the same.

Want to keep it consistent? Make sure you bring all your print, online and social media channels in line with each other so that they appear unified.

Your aim: To make sure your nonprofit's unique "feel" is instantly recognizable.

Non-profit marketing is a delicate balance.

You need to persuade people to part with their cash. It's vital that you appeal to the kind of person they want to be, that is to say, someone who helps organizations like yours.

At the same time, you naturally want to avoid aggressive marketing or feeling like you are forcing your message on people.

By developing a clear, consistent message that speaks directly to the right people, you will be empowering that message to connect better and inspire the desired action.