Land on a Better Conversion Rate for Your Website

Is your landing page ready to convert?

A landing page is your opportunity to grab your customers' attention and steer them towards buying from you.

It's clear that getting your landing page just right is vital. So what can you do in order to do just that?

Start with these six key areas to make your landing page work for your business.

Use an Effective Headline

As the article "5 Ways Smart Landing Pages Actually Help to Increase Conversions" points out, the headline is the first thing your customers see when they reach your landing page.

The strength of your headline will determine whether your customers read on, so make it count.

Use clear, confident, interesting language and don't try to be too clever - your headline needs to leave your customers in no doubt as to why they should read more.

State Your Value Proposition

Your landing page should make your value proposition clear. Show your customers what the benefits of your products or services are to them.

How can you improve their life or solve their problems? What makes you the best?

Your landing page is your chance to build an emotional connection with your customers by letting them know what your business can do for them.

Make it Easy to Contact You

If a customer wants to talk to a real person, make it easy to do that.

If you have the staff, consider adding a live chat. At the very least, make good use of a contact form.

Your contact form should be optimized to be visible from anywhere on your landing page, and should only ask for the information you need to get a dialogue going. A long form won't entice a customer to get in touch, and you might lose them.

Add Visual Appeal 

Looks matter where your landing page is concerned.

Choose your colors carefully to convey your brand personality, from bold reds to soothing blues to trustworthy greens. Don't forget to add in some relevant images for extra emotional appeal.

Layout matters too when it comes to the look of your landing page.

It needs to be distraction-free and easy to navigate on any device, whether desktop or mobile.

Include a Strong call to Action

Decide on the action you want your customers to take after visiting your landing page.

Do you want them to buy a product? Get in touch for a consultation? Download an EBook?

Once you know what the desired action is, you can build your landing page around that.

Leave your customers in no doubt as to their next step with a strong call to action that tells them exactly what comes next. Make your call to action clearly visible and use engaging language. 

Build Trust with Testimonials

Including customer testimonials on your landing page will help you to build trust with your new visitors.

Testimonials offer a third-party perspective on your brand, showing potential customers how much you have helped people like them.

It goes without saying that your testimonials should be one hundred percent honest in order to show authenticity and build trust with your customers.

An effective landing page will convert browsers into buyers and boost your company's sales.

Make it bold, clear and interesting with a strong call to action that leaves visitors in no doubt as to why they should do business with you.