Mastering the Art of Video Marketing

Video marketing has become increasingly vital in business today. If you own an enterprise, but you haven’t taken advantage of video marketing, chances are, your business will fall behind. Mastering the art of video marketing is easy that you do not need a huge budget or hire professionals for it.

As stated by Dr. James Quivey of Forrester Research, a one-minute video uploaded online is almost the same as 1.8 million words. Aside from saving time and effort, you can send a message about your brand more clearly to many people through uploaded videos. This, in turn, will generate more views.

Before you learn the art of video marketing, you should master the five basics of video recording:

  • Framing - The subject of your video should be at the center with the right amount of space around it. Moreover, the placement of the camera should always be the same so that there will be regularity which will gain you potential regular viewers.
  • Clarity - The absence of blurriness in your video shows that the video is high-quality. It might be difficult to adjust the lens to the proper setting, but you will get it eventually. Your time in doing it will definitely be worth it.
  • Lighting - With proper lighting, you can avoid unwanted effects like blurriness and an awkward subject. You can achieve this by doing short film tests to check if there is too much brightness.
  • Background - Similar with framing, maintaining consistency in terms of your background is important. Only the needed props or materials should be seen. You can compare videos on YouTube and differentiate quickly which video was done by an amateur through the background.
  • Audio - If you want the views of your video to increase, make sure that the volume is loud enough. Moreover, the speed of speaking should also be taken into consideration. When in front of the camera, the pace needs to be slowed down.

Without these 5 fundamentals, it is a bit challenging to make a video that will garner a lot of views.

Do not make a lengthy video.

Living in a fast-paced world, it is definitely a good idea to keep your video short but meaningful. Viewers can focus more on the product being shown. As a result, you will most likely make a sale and increase your income. Marketing videos that are seen on YouTube usually have introductions that stand out. That is because one-fifth of viewers stop watching a video after 10 seconds if it is not interesting. Therefore, an inspiring, informative, or entertaining attention grabber should be present.

Make an unforgettable content.

Creativity is an indispensable tool in marketing. You can toy around with the theme and structure of your video. Your main goal here is for the viewers to remember your brand by associating it with your video. The best way to do this is to tell a story. According to Digital Marketing Institute, entrepreneurs should make use of the emotional power of videos in order to connect with their customers. On YouTube, you will see marketing videos from Thailand which have millions of views. To increase/buy YouTube views, it is a well-known fact that content and its emotional appeal to the target audience should be a priority.

Show people.

A video should revolve around people instead of products. Although the video is for the purpose of advertising the product, it will just be ignored if there is nothing else but the product in it. People can only relate themselves with other people but not with inanimate objects. You can also focus on the mission of the video. For instance, cosmetic products do this by making emotional viral videos that most people can relate to. The views of their videos often reach millions on YouTube.

Show a proof of the effectivity of the product.

When people watch advertisements, they have the mindset that what they see is what they will get. It is the same concept with video marketing. It is easy to say that a product is great, but actions really speak louder than words. Therefore, your goal is to let your audience realize your product is a must-have. You can do this by comparing the stories of success of those who actually bought and used the product and those who did not.

Make your video known.

When you decide to make your video public, you should take advantage of platforms like Facebook and YouTube. These sites have a feature wherein viewers can share a video to their personal pages or accounts. Utilize keywords, meta tags, hashtags, and SEO tools to promote your video. To improve your video’s SEO value, put a well-written description with relevant keywords. You can also include your brand’s website address to increase YouTube views.

The Importance of Having Lots of Views in Video Marketing

  1. It can boost sales. Having a lot of views on YouTube means many people know it. If you are doing video marketing, this is important because views can virtually be equated to increase in sales. That is why a lot of businesses would certainly invest a few dollars to increase/buy YouTube views.
  2. It builds trust. - In terms of video marketing, people who use YouTube also called “YouTubers,” are one of the forces to be reckoned with. They are the sources of many views. Hence, many first-timers rely on them when deciding whether to try or purchase a product or not.
  3. It can improve SEO on Google. According to statistics, your video is 53 times more likely appear first on Google if it is on a website. As a result, you will garner more views. Google plays a significant role in video marketing since it owns YouTube.
  4. It encourages video share.- Michael Stelzner reported in the 8th annual Social Marketing Industry Report that 60% of video marketing was utilized in 2015 and 73% of the respondents used the products in 2016. Social networking platforms like Facebook that has 3600 view feature and Instagram that has 60-second video feature encourage video sharing. In addition, YouTube is the second most well-known social network website in the world.

Video marketing is a powerful but challenging strategy. There is much competition for customers’ attention. Therefore, knowing the tactics of video marketing is a must for business in this era.